Mom, Kurtis, Jeremy, and I went to the Festival of Trees on Wednesday. I like going to the Festival of Trees because it is so much fun. I'm not even sure I could pick one favorite part, but the Small Fry shop is pretty awesome. It is like a gift shop for kids to shop at. Everything there is under five dollars, and most of it is cute things made out of felt and stuffed with candy. Here is a picture of a few things we bought. Jeremy has already taken the candy out of his Christmas light, but it was too cute to leave out.

Jeremy's favorite part is the bubble machine. You get to stand inside of a bubble! He also likes to watch the dancers that perform there. Here is a picture of Jeremy in the bubble machine.

Kurtis really likes to look at the gingerbread houses. There is always some really cool ones. This year the fanciest one was a replica of the U.S. Capitol Building, but I wasn't able to get a good picture of it because of the crowd. Kurtis liked the semi-truck best, and I liked the Tangled tower. Here are a couple gingerbread pictures.

Santa was awesome, too. He was extra jolly and a lot of fun. I took several pictures of Jeremy on his lap, but only one turned out decent because I'm still getting used to my new camera. Here is the best one.

We all had a really good time. If you'd like to go to the Festival of Trees, you better go now. It ends at 10PM this Saturday. Visit their website for more information:
Click Here. All the proceeds from the Festival of Trees benefit Primary Children's Medical Center.