Saturday, August 11, 2012

Never...It's What I Do

Hi all! I was going to title this blog, "Late...It's What I Do" then wish you a Happy 4th of July. However, the more I think about it, "Never" is actually what I do. I keep having these great ideas of things to blog about. I've even taken pictures specifically for my blog, but I never actually get the pictures and ideas to my blog. If I remember right, I told you when I started this that I suck at blogging. Now you can see what I mean!

Anyway, since I'm such a flake, I'll end this blog with some of the pictures I took specifically for blog entries that never got written.

Welcome to Carrot Land (Dad worked really hard to help me get a section of the garden ready to grow better carrots.)

Happy 4th of July! (Jeremy and I went to the parade with G&G H then we went to Aunt Karen's for a BBQ. It was great!)

Damn ants! (They ate most of my radishes before they could grow, and chomped up the last three as well. Please pray for my purple carrots. I got rid of most of the ants, but I'm still worried about my precious carrots!)

That is all for now. Hopefully, it won't take me this long to blog again. Have a fabulous day!

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